Customer Service Essentials

Using Technology in Customer Service (CSE09v2)

How do you feel about self-service checkouts? Some people love them because they’re so fast and convenient. But others dislike them because they want more human interaction when they shop. Technology has the power to improve customer service, but installing the wrong tech can lead to customer dissatisfaction instead.

Customer-service teams can use technology to communicate better with customers as well as enhancing the customer journey. Rather than using the coolest technology, the best tech tools are the ones that customers will most benefit from. And if you use tech that gathers customer data, you’ll need to follow best practices to keep that data protected.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

• Explain the different applications of technology in customer service
• Identify the most appropriate technology tools for different types of customers
• Apply best practices to balance great customer service with data protection when using technology

Why take this course?

Technology can make customer service more effective. If you need to know more about technology solutions in customer service, this course is for you. You’ll learn the different ways technology can be applied in customer service, the types of tech that appeal to different customers, and how to approach data protection while maintaining excellent customer service.

15 mins | SCORM | Takeaway Tasks

  • Using Technology in Customer Service
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed