CES Assessment & Case Conferencing Training

Welcome to the Kansas Balance of State Continuum of Care Coordinated Entry Assessment training!

This training was created the by Kansas Statewide Homeless Coalition Coordinated Entry System (CES) team.

This training is require for all agencies within the KS BoS CoC wishing to assess and discuss households during regional case conferencing meetings. This training allows you to conduct assessments and attending case conferencing meetings; but it DOES NOT give you any access to Clarity/HMIS. To have the household put into the system, please send the assessment packet to the CES team through email or FreshDesk.
  • Welcome!
  • Acronyms
  • How to get to the CES page on KSHC website
  • Basecamp
  • KSHC Freshdesk
  • Clarity
  • Unite Us
  • KS BoS CoC
  • What is a Balance of State
  • BoS Coverage
  • Out of CoC Contacts
  • Coordinated Entry System
  • Guiding Principles
  • CES Core Components
  • Expanded CES Workflow
  • Why do we collect CE Data?
  • CES is NOT the same as HMIS
  • HUD Homeless Categories [with links]
  • Access Points
  • Types of Access Points
  • VSPs and Comparable Databases
  • Victim Service Providers & Comparable Databases
  • Check the Clarity Database for existing records
  • Check HMIS profile & CES Enrollment: Need Clarity Access
  • How to Search For a Client: Need Clarity Access
  • How to Manage Household Members: Need Clarity Access
  • Creating a New Client Record: Need Clarity Access
  • CES Homeless Assessment Packet
  • CES Assessment Broken Down
  • Scoring
  • Instructions for the Assessor
  • Release of Information
  • HMIS Profile Information
  • Homeless CES Enrollment
  • CE Event & Current Living Situation
  • Administration Section (+ Prefer not to complete assessment instructions)
  • Introduction Script
  • Household Composition
  • Section 1: Housing Status
  • Section 2: Children Within the Household
  • Section 3: Presenting Needs
  • Section 4: Safety
  • Section 5: Wellness
  • Section 6: Vulnerabilities & Strengths
  • Section 7: Program Specific Eligibility
  • Case Conferencing
  • Case Conferencing
  • Population Specific Case Conferencing
  • Knowledge Check: Pass to complete course
  • Knowledge Check
  • Next Steps
  • Next Steps
  • How to Submit a ticket
  • Breakdown of this training
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: 2 years